Recommend upgrade for NAD C541

I currently have a system as follows:

NAD C541 CD Player
NAD C370 Integrated Amplifier
B&W DM602S3 Speakers
QED Silver Anniversary Bi-Wire with Airloc bananas
van den Hul D102HB III interconnects

I think I've got the setup right in my room, but I feel the sound could be more open, full, and exciting. Thus, I'm thinking of an upgrade of sorts. I had previously posted on Audiogon about upgrading the speakers, but was told the CD Player was the weakest link.

Could anyone please recommend a suitable upgrade for the C541 for what I'm looking for? Perhaps the Arcam CD72, Musical Fidelity A3CD or other unit?

Thanks for any help you can provide.
I was reading What Hi-Fi? the other day, and saw that they recommended this Rotel combination with the B&W DM602S3s. Has anybody tried this combination?

Also, in listening to my system in the last couple of weeks, I've also been somewhat disappointed with the soundstage for my speakers, which seems very small. The sound is just not filling the room as much as I'd like...which leads me to considering speakers like the CDM1NT or Nautilus 805. But perhaps its the placement. Can anyone recommend a website on speaker placement? I'd draw a diagram of my room and ask for suggestions, but I'm not sure how I could attach it to my response...

I am also considering the 541i or C270 upgrade, thanks. Although from most posts I've seen, bi-amping doesn't seem like a popular combination...would an amp of equivalent price to a bi-amped config be more effective?

Sorry...I just noticed the Rotel combination didn't come out from the was the RA-02 Integrated with the RCD-02 CDP.

I think I have optimized my room layout...but the bed is killing the highs (in addition to the carpet).

Any comments would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

A friend of mine bought the NAD C541i receantly and it really sounds damn good, especially regarding the price. He has compared NAD and ROTEL amps side by side and the ROTEL clearly has Won the "Contest" (are also a bit pricier). So it may be a minor sonic compatibility issue with NAD amps and B&W speakers. By the way, he has B&W DM602s2 speakers. And please give these speakers room to breathe - at least half to one meter space between them and the back wall. Perhaps a bit of cable "rolling" can help before selling and buying new...
Be sure to get rid of those crap stock pre out/main in links that come with the C370. Tara labs has some link upgrades (missing links) or audioquest. You may get what you're looking for with this cheap upgrade.