Good Article CD vs. SACD vs. DVD-A
Does the author not seem a bit, no pun intended, biased to you? If you take note he frequently mentions how the noise created by sacd is within 40db of maximum output at "just above" 100KHZ and PCM is 144db below from dc-100 KHZ. Thus, there is no common denominator. Propaganda people?

Happy Listening,
Why is it Propaganda. Did Sony/Philips not sell us the big Lie Once Before. Perfect sound forever. WAKE up people.
Here's what my ears tell me: SACD beats normal redbook CD easily in the midrange and in the lower registers, but there is seriously something wrong with the top end. I't somehow dead, lifeless and something, hard to define unpleasant, unnatural in its rendering! At any rate - I have plasma tweeters from Acapella - I suffer from listeners fatigue after too long exposure to SACD, which I don't with vinyl nor generally with well recorded CDs and my SACD playback isn't cheapo, but pretty much SOTA. Cannot say if my experience has something to do with the findings in the above mentioned article, but John Atkinson has in his testing of an Accuphase player published results, which point in the same direction. So, sadly, I've come to doubt, that SACD is the great breakthrough to finally fullfill the promise of CD. Natalie may well be right!