Silver vs. Cooper speakers cables

I want to know if silver cables are really better than cooper.
Up to the moment I use Audioquest Volcano biwire cooper cables but many people recomend move to silver for my Tannoy Speakers.
Pure silver or hibrid cooper silver ?
AQ silver cables are very expensive, but I can saw that there are many silver cables at very affordable price like Silver Audio or Analysis Plus.
Please let your opinions and recomendations.
Obviously I misread the initial post. Choose between Gary Cooper and Ron Silber? Puhleeeeeeeze!
To answer teajay's question from way back in this thread. (sorry teajay for the wait).

I replaced the AZ Matrix Reference II copper with Silver Reference II between the CD player and preamp. It made my system sound flat. Took out air and ambience. The difference was immediate and quite noticeable.

This means not much. That's what happened in my system. Unless you have it's clone then your results will differ.

I always get a kick out of "the best cable/interconnect" posts or ads. Only in YOUR system will the truth be told and price doesn't neccessarily mean better.


Paul :-)
It depends on the system it is being put into.Silver is fast
revealing ,with top end openness,BUT may not interface well with solid state gear.To much of a good thing is not always good.I from experience have found that silver ic's complement a tube system very well,but gives it to much treble on solid state gear,and makes it sound to analytical.
I feel that not enough attention is paid to aluminum.
Good point. I stopped buying soda pop in those copper and silver cans years ago. The copper poured too slow and the silver poured too fast. Aluminum gave me just the right balance.