DAC for Rega Planet 2000

I have a Rega Planet 2000 and wonder what DAC would go best with it. I would like to pay about $500 or less used. I am looking for more dynamic range and better detail. I would like to tighten up the bass as well.

This all started when a friend loaned me his Meridian 508/24 which has incredible bass and detail, can I approach this sort of performance with the Rega?

thank you
Nothing for 500 or less will improve the sound on the 2000.
Selling the planet and adding 500.00 might get you closer
You can get a Bel Canto DAC 1.0 for under $500 used. Excellent DAC. Would be a good match for the Planet and should give you what you want.

Good luck,

I am in the same situation as you, although I am pleased with the Planet 2000, I know there is more out there. I am going to sell my Planet and purchase something else. I am considering the Cary 303/100 or 303/200. There are alot of choices out there in the $1200-$1500 (used) range.
The only newer DAC that I can think of that would be an improvement in that price range is a used EVS Millenium DAC. The DAC 2 would be the best, but those are usually over $500. You could find a used DAC 1A or 1B for that amount, but there aren't many and they don't come up for sale every day. Keep your eyes open.

If you're willing to try older DACs, you might be able to find an old Meridian, Muse, Wadia, Theta, etc. in that price range (pieces that originally cost thousands). They will have older DAC chips, but I think you'll find that their high quality designs, parts, and power supplies will still sound much better than most cheaper DACs with modern DAC chips. A new DAC chip isn't going to matter much if everything surrounding it is compromised. Most qualities of good DACs...transparency, lack of grain, soundstage, bass, etc. come from good design, parts, and a good power supply...not just the DAC chip.

Natalie does make a good point above...you could sell the Rega and try to buy a used Meridian 508/24. I know they've come down in price quite a bit, but I'm not sure if they've dropped that much yet. Just an idea...
rega planet is a pocket cd-player mechanizm incorporated with great dac.
that's why spending $500 on external dac will be just a waste.
to approach a performance of Rega to be like Meridian 508/24 you can get TACT RCS2.0 DAC-preamp that brings even pocket CD-player with optical output onto the level of "champion" machines. you can get here demo model for a-bit above $2k but you should realize that you can sell your preamp and there you'll spend less already...
i've heard many statements such as my rega planet is the best as whole and doesn't sound good with external dac
well how it can if it has a poor transport?
a poor transport and mechanizm can be successfully incorporated into one-box player.
i used to own mccormack mod squad prizm cd-player that is something like great mechanizm- poor transport- with descent dac. after i connected it with EAD DSP 700 MK2 dac 1)on half of my cds there were mis-relocking; 2)sounded encapsulated and unopen...
well i decided to get the dedicated transport and thus corrected this problem.
As to Meridian 508/24 it has excellent mechanizm incorporated with excellent transport and excellent dac together in one box creating no headache with jitter, digital interconnects and finally could be your last one for real.