Cables for a high-school newbie

Im on an extreemly tight budget. My goal for cables is simply to open up my current system, tighten the bass, and sharpen immaging, i dont want to color the sound at all (well, maybe a tad bit darker to counter the metal dome tweeters on my speakers). I have a sony cd player, Onkyo Tx 8211 reciever and a pair of NHT SB-3s (best speakers under $1k i've heard... and they're only $400 new if you shop around). are cables worth the dough at this level or not, and if so what brands should i be looking at? I need both interconnects and speaker cables. I listen to rock, small group jazz, metal (too bad metalheads can't figure out how to make a decent recording), and classical in that order.
thanks for the help
For speaker cables and interconnect I got mine from Zebra Cables. They are reasonably priced for your budget. Check them out if you have the chance.
Thanks for all the help guys, I cant see spending much more than $100 on cables (my entire system costs $700). With that in mind i'll look into all of the ideas. The isolation pads are an interesting idea, but how much difference can they really make?
Thanks again -Dan
on your budget I would go with Dopogues recommendation. I've made the extension chord cables and they're clearly the best deal around. I went with the 12 guage. Same goes for the interconnects from Starlink. They can't be beat much more money, and they are cheap. If you want to spend more money - I like the Bluejeans cables too.