My point which NataLIE will never be able to understand is the sampling rate of redbook CD players is too low to reproduce music accurately. SACD by virtue of it's sampling rate is emanantly more capable of accurate musical reproduction. SACD still has improvements to make in the playback, but inspite of this it still is superior to the products NataLIE is talking about.
Lots of companies have spent millions of dollars trying to get redbook CD players to sound good but it is ultimately a waste of time. We would all be better off if more people got behind a medium more capable of giving us the sound quality that cheap LPs already provide. That being SACD.
NataLIE is not worth arguing with. He does not understand the technology or have the ears to listen anyway. He is against anything he does not understand, which is virtually everything taking place here. Follow his threads and see for yourself!
Lots of companies have spent millions of dollars trying to get redbook CD players to sound good but it is ultimately a waste of time. We would all be better off if more people got behind a medium more capable of giving us the sound quality that cheap LPs already provide. That being SACD.
NataLIE is not worth arguing with. He does not understand the technology or have the ears to listen anyway. He is against anything he does not understand, which is virtually everything taking place here. Follow his threads and see for yourself!