I know I have lost my mind and have gone insane

I put my speaker interconnects up on a couple of boards tonight as a test because I have read that cable lifters change the sound, and did it ever!!! They look like a couple of sine waves behind my speakers. Believe me that I am very familiar with the sound of my system, and this was a profound change.
Before the sound was full and warm (too much so) with incredible bass, and after propping up the cables the sound was cleaner, clearer, more detailed, the upper bass warmth was gone (more natural)and there was more emotion in the system.
Now please someone, explain this to me PLEASE!!
It will all go back as it was in 3-days. Only kidding. (Maybe?) Once something starts really good I leave things alone. It's amazing how moving cords/IC's around can sometimes have profound effects on the sound. All is well. You're fine.
What do you have on the floor? Is it carpet, wood, concrete etc?

Different surfaces have different dialectric characteristics, and will affect the cables which are lying on them. Carpet tends to be the least neutral, or adds the most coloration. Watch out for the neutral police, I hear the hoofbeats of their horse, or is it their ass? I mean donkey, of course.

Many objects within say 8" will affect the sound of your speaker cable, interconnects run between pieces of equipment. Try to keep your powercords away from IC or speaker cable, if they must come into contact have them crossing at right angles whenever possible.
Did you just lift the cables, or did you disconnect them first, lift them, and then re-connect? If so, there's your answer...

I have similar experiences everytime I play with my cables and IC's. Next day its back to normal. Doesn't have diddly to do with them laying on the floor (I have hardwood, perhaps thats why) or being elevated.

Nrchy is right out routing your cables. Keep the IC's away from anything which has electricity, i.e. transformers, power conditioners, etc, due to stray RFI and magnetic fields.
Hi Zilla.

I don't think we have all the answers to why elevating cables work but here's a bit of a brief cut and pasted from our website...

"...Speaker cables, interconnects or AC power cords that rest on the floor are susceptible to a host of sonically degrading ills such as: static electricity and/or dielectric interference from carpeting, capacitive coupling to "earth ground" and floor bound resonances. These all can affect the energy field surrounding a cable and change the electrical parameters designed into the cable robbing the music signal of it's energy and life. Strange as it may seem, lifting your cabling off the floor will result in a more focused and vivacious sonic presentation."

You're not nuts.

ENJOY! and Best Regards,