I know I have lost my mind and have gone insane

I put my speaker interconnects up on a couple of boards tonight as a test because I have read that cable lifters change the sound, and did it ever!!! They look like a couple of sine waves behind my speakers. Believe me that I am very familiar with the sound of my system, and this was a profound change.
Before the sound was full and warm (too much so) with incredible bass, and after propping up the cables the sound was cleaner, clearer, more detailed, the upper bass warmth was gone (more natural)and there was more emotion in the system.
Now please someone, explain this to me PLEASE!!
I bougth some and noticed nothing at all.
I kept them because i can now clean the floor without any risk to harm my cables :)
The cables use to rest on a thick shag carpet over concrete.
No I did not disconnect them I just elevated them and them did not lay next to any power cords. I tried this on a whim and was duely shocked-- err ahh surprised.
Ridgestreetaudio, I have also heard that it has to do with the static electricity and/or dielectric interference from carpeting. But I have also been told, as well as personally experienced, that only a minor improvement will result. Although if the cable is buried in thick shag carpet, as Zilla indicated, the effect may be more pronounced than my very chintzy apartment carpet.
Great tweak. Synthetic carpet stores up energy like a large capacitor, and then releases it randomly back into the cables. Must get those cables up. It plays all kinds of subtle games with the sound and also some not so subtle ones such as a crackling sound like record surface noise. If you have wood floors, tile, or rugs made of a natural fiber there usually isn't the problem at all. Isn't this hobby great?!
Damn it, I can't do this tweak! I have to walk over my cables to access other rooms, so I'd have to be freakin' Sergei Bubka if I wanted to elevate my speaker cables.