Copper vs Hybrid differences

Can anyone help to explain the possibile differences that are benefited form a Copper constructed speaker cable and that which would be a Silver/Copper alloy? I'm trying to evaluate the preception differences without listening for like PNF Audio (Copper) and LAT Int. (Silver/Copper alloy).
Does one offer better inner detail and staging over another?
My experience is silver is highly detailed and analytical, while copper is organic. I experimented with the hybrid Python bi-wire cable from Alpha Core which I did not like as much as their MI-2 copper cable in a single run. The hybrid was a little too edgy in my set-up with more empahasis on the highs that detracted from the low end.

Now while I use copper for my speaker cables, I use silver for the ICs (Nordost Red Dawn) as I think this set-up works best for me. Detail flows through the sources and the benefits of the copper comes through the speakers.
Hybrid cables are too lean, harsh, and bright, IMHO.
Pure copper or pure silver are much better, and more coherent from top to bottom, IMHO.
Now speaker cables that use copper and silver SEPERATELY in the same cable, such as the Signal Cable Silver Resolution, appear very interesting, and might well sound awesome!
Coherency without tuning is what I'm chasing, I need it to stay netural. I use RSA Poeima Signiture ICs (Silver) and (I've never been sure) my spaeker cables may be hybrid. My speakers are Apogee Slant 6's and I adore the music from them, so as I evaluate a possibile replacement I don't want to end up with a cable that "lights up" the top end but I don't want to loose the detail that I've been continuing to find in music I listen to that I never knew existed either. I'm just afraid of loosing what I've already got without improving on it at the same time. Evaluations from non paid reviewers are very helpful to me, thanks to both of you so far.