Relevant...? OK, I use a Perpetual P1A to reclock in front of my (modwrightted P3A) DAC. Perpetual says this should make differences in transport and digital cable a "refinement" rather than a major factor; so this observation should be comparable...or even relevant 8-).
The transport upgrade I did, from well-modded CD player (JVC 1010, highly praised in old Abso!ute Sound) to Pioneer DVD player modded specifically as a transport by EVS, showed a Major improvement in stage width, and tighter yet deeper bass. This in spite of Perpetual's statement that the transport should make little difference. Also in spite of the fact that the modded JVC was a darn good CD player.
Additionally, for what it's worth, I found the difference between digital cables (Elco S/PDIF Ultimate, up from Monster whatchamacallit) easily audible but hard to describe, in terms of, errr, uhhh, "roundness", I guess...?.
I hope you find this input comparable and relevant. Good hunting.
The transport upgrade I did, from well-modded CD player (JVC 1010, highly praised in old Abso!ute Sound) to Pioneer DVD player modded specifically as a transport by EVS, showed a Major improvement in stage width, and tighter yet deeper bass. This in spite of Perpetual's statement that the transport should make little difference. Also in spite of the fact that the modded JVC was a darn good CD player.
Additionally, for what it's worth, I found the difference between digital cables (Elco S/PDIF Ultimate, up from Monster whatchamacallit) easily audible but hard to describe, in terms of, errr, uhhh, "roundness", I guess...?.
I hope you find this input comparable and relevant. Good hunting.