Capitole MKII Phase controller ..0 or 180 ?..

Im confused on what this phase controller is and where it should be applied.. I do here some difference when I play with it but where does one utilise this feature ?

Hey Unc!
I don't know if you're confused about the abilities of the Cap II, or about phase inversion....?
Simply put, phase inversion is occurring when your speaker drivers are operating in reverse. They pull in first, then push out the sound, instead of firing forward first like they should. It would be the same thing as if you switched your positive and negative speaker leads at the speaker. Everything would operate backwards.
Does that help?
never really made a audible difference on my Capitol 2 wonder if it was actually functioning though like did they forget to complete its installation on this player. Wadia phase button does definitely change the sound though.
Thanks Golden one, I really did not understand it until you came at me again. i do appreciate the patience. I have never listened for this either way. I think I have a CD-player test disc somewhere...and I think it got into the phase inversion. Since I did not know what it is, I did not know what to listen for.

I do think I am a fast learner....well, sometimes