Best CD AND SACD Player under 1000

Folks - looking to get rid of my Sony DVP7000 and get an amazing CD player that will do SACD, too, for under $1k. I have absolutely no need for DVD, as this is a dedicated 2-channel audio system. I'd also like to have an aftermarket modification upgrade path, though not initially.
I guesss the Sony 9000es.-- While it also is a dvd player;I can't think of anything in the price range --700/800 used---that will better this unit.
I understand that the Philips SACD1000 is a pretty decent player and can be improve through modification. I just perused this site and there are a couple for sale for around $700 used. You might try one of the lower end Sony players as well. You might want to ask one of the modders like Richard Kern (audiomod)or Jim Oade at Oade brothers. I am sure both of them will be more than honest with you.

I've had the Sony 9000es. It sounded fake to me. I also had the Rega Planet 2000. With good interconnects it sounded good. Good bass, too. Now I have the Ah! Tjoeb and the tube sound is wonderful. A friend just purchased the new Jolida 100 tube player and we replaced the Sovtek 12AX7's with Mullards and I must say, this is the most beautiful sounding player I have ever heard.

That is a good suggestion I have not personally heard that player, but I am sure it is very good. However, it has no SACD capability and while I am sure that it is better than the Philips and / or Sony on redbook, it will not compare on SACD, and when either of the Philips or Sony are modded then it will be no contest on redbook either. Again simply my opinion. But again a good suggestion, it is nice the see someone thinks of the esoteric mfg's at this price level.
