Your Tercet is OOOOOLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDD. If you're happy with the sound, leave it alone. Laser might be fading. Drawer mechanism was notoriously problematic, too. Save your money for a nice new one box. GamuT CD-1 for $2950, numerous decent contenders available under $2K, or about the price of a musical DAC.
DAC decision, help please
Hi, all
I am wondering can anyone offer their thoughts, comments or opinions about the merits/flaws of the following DAC's: Audio Research DAC1/20 bit, Adcom GDA 700 HDCD, and CAL Simga II 24/96. I am going to make a choice between the 3 to use as a outboard DAC for my CAL Tercet MK III (which is already outstanding). I am looking for a DAC that can throw a decent sound stage and convey the human voice and traditional jazz ensembles with warm emotion. My system is soley used for me to unwind after a long week at work and for dedicated listening sessions with my lady on Sunday nights (after the Saprano's of course). Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I am wondering can anyone offer their thoughts, comments or opinions about the merits/flaws of the following DAC's: Audio Research DAC1/20 bit, Adcom GDA 700 HDCD, and CAL Simga II 24/96. I am going to make a choice between the 3 to use as a outboard DAC for my CAL Tercet MK III (which is already outstanding). I am looking for a DAC that can throw a decent sound stage and convey the human voice and traditional jazz ensembles with warm emotion. My system is soley used for me to unwind after a long week at work and for dedicated listening sessions with my lady on Sunday nights (after the Saprano's of course). Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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- 11 posts total
- 11 posts total