How to upgrade my Rega Planet based system

Current system:
Rega Planet
Rega Mira Amp
Rega ELA Speakers
Chord Chrysallis interconnect
Cable Talk 4.1 Speaker Cable

I have had this system for two years and have thoroughly enjoyed the experience, I have now decided to upgrade. My chief concern with the current system is the depth and punch of the bass, it seems quite quick but doesnt the give the kind of kick I would prefer. I am budgeting anything up to $1000, but if i can make achive the results by sepnding $100 all th better
I third the recommendation for a sub. A REL, Rega (which is designed and made by REL for Rega), or ACI sub would be the first choices.

If you like the upper octaves of your system why risk changing them ? Also these subs will take you down to 20Hz and give real bass-drum kick. I would bet you'd be looking at a lot of money to upgrade your amp and speakers to achieve the same.
Buy REALLY expensive power cords. Like Siltech Compass Lake. Your dealer will be glad you did.
Subwoofer is the way to go. You'll be set free...I love my Sunfire Artchitectural Subwoofer. 10" single front firing, made for 2 channel listening. It's a shame you don't hear about this baby enough on the 'gon. It's fast, extended, tight, and integrates beautifully with my M 20s. It lists for $1400, but can be found nicely discounted (new) for less than $1400. It's an 11" (45 lb.) cube with a 1200 watt amp. (Sunfire also has the Architectural Signature, which is a 12") If space is a factor, this may do it for you. I compared it to the Velodynes and the comparable Rel.
Isobearings under the Planet with tighten and/or extend bass reach and generally clean up the attack. Agree with all the other responses.