best CD transport available?

Opinions regarding the best CD transport available today please?
Cost no object, CD-only transport = Goldmund 36+
I prefer it over their new Eidos 38 in terms of low-end weight and musicality in the context of my system, and it's visually stunning. As always, just my opinion.
Unless you're looking for a "cost no object" choice, let me recommend Audio Alchemy DDS Pro, which I've just started using in place of a Sonic Frontiers SFT-1, Stereophile Class A in its time. The DDS Pro has a separate power supply, which led to even greater quiet in a system that, with a Power Wedge Ultra 114, was already pretty quiet. It's my current candidate for audio bargain of all time.
You might get one cheap enough to also go for a good interface: Genesis Digital Lens, Meridian 518, Assemblage D2D-1, something like that. I'm currently using a 518, and could still hear a clear difference between the DDS Pro and the SFT-1. It's nonsense to say that the transport, or for that matter the cable coming from it, no longer matter if an interface is used. Though maybe a matter a shade less.