Can CD's be loud and ok?

I've read on an other thread how a lot of new releases on CD are overcompressed or eq'd to distortion levels.
Certainly heard that on the last Jayhawks record.
However,surely (or maybe not)CD's can be mastered to a higher volume without distorting the original recording?
Just that I have some new CD's that are loud but seem (to me at least)to have a good balanced sound.
Madonna's last record and the last Blur album sound like that to me(to name but 2)-loud in regards to some older CD's.
Likewise if you listen to remastered versions they do get noticeably louder.
Check out Pink Floyd's DSOM from Mob.Fid to the 94 version to the SACD hybrid.
I can understand the P. Barber thing for sure Ben, I used her work as an example of compression done right. I have the Beck sacd also but find it harder to pick apart due to the nature of the music in regards to your question.
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Well, SOTA to me is: anything that sets a standard against which others can compare to, as far as cd's go, this is one of them. Music is distortion in one form or another and this can not be changed but can be brought to a shape to please the ear and sometimes fool the brain. Some distortions of the right kind in the right amount seem to be needed everywere in the musical chain.