Need advice for CDP selection

I need some helpful advice on cdp selection for my system. I have read reviews on Accuphase, EMC, Wadia, Krell, Audio Aero, Sony SCD1 etc. and they all seem to be contender's. I have not had the opportunity to audition any other cdp's with a Krell system except a Krell. Anyone have any recommendations?
The Opus 21 can run directly into your FPB 350MC's and the HTS can run directly into your Opus 21 if the HTS has a digital output. If not, you would have to buy an Analogue to Digital converter which range in price from $50.-$3000. This set up elliminates the need to buy a seperate preamp.
Give Bruce Jacobs a call for home demos.He is at:{920}-733-8539/Sound World.I have had many pieces through the house to audition IN MY OWN SYSTEM.It's the only way to be sure that you will be happy with your decision over the long haul.Happy hunting!
resolution audio will allow you to demo the opus 21, which will connect directly to you amp and has a built in volume control, for 30 days for free. (except shipping charges if you decide not to keep it)

check out
I have read some threads and a review that complained about the clearly audible whine from the CD mechanism on the Opus. Any comments about this from Opus owners?
yes, when the cd is spinning you can hear it. just barely, though, and only at very close distances. if my cat is purring on my lap with the volume on mute, i can't hear it. if the music is playing at all, you absolutely can't hear it, even during silent passages.