What interconnects with SACD 1000 ?

Out of curiosity, what interconnects are you folks using with your SACD 1000 ? I know that this is both system dependent and a matter of personal preference, but i'm kind of curious. I was running the cables that i had hooked up to my previous DVD / CD player but was missing top end "air" and "spaciousness". Switched over to some Magnan IV's tonight. Not too much time listening to them, but the sound is now very natural sounding but a little lean and lacking "drive" for harder music. Bass is MUCH sharper and cleaner sounding with far better definition, but lacking in "weight". Kind of a role reversal as the 1000 initially struck me as being a little heavy at the very bottom. Those of you into acoustic music / vocals may find this combo very, very nice. From the lower mids on up, the presentation is very natural, to the point of being "seamless". If i could just get a bit more warmth out of this combo, i'd be riding down main street. I'm going to pull the IV's and put them onto my burner ( never burned these as i just picked them up a while ago ) and see what happens. Burning cables tends to fill in the warmth region a bit, so this may be just what i need. In the meantime, i'll try throwing in a set of my Magnan II's or III's and see where that takes me. These all have somewhat similar sonics ( air dielectric with 36 gauge wire ) with different levels of air and slight shifts in tonal balance.

In the meantime, how about sharing what you folks have come up with ? Anybody done any comparisons to see what's worked best for them ? Sean
I have an other review forum in audiogon about the SACD1000 you can take a look at. Since the SACD sound is: narrow/shallow soundstange with limited extreme high & low frequence; yet warm midrange but slow in speed. Use some speedy and punchy cables like XLO and MIT. Never use warm cables! Email me if you have an question.
Philips is more thick and less-define from mid to bottom, over weight bottom with dim/dark top... Soundstage... sigh... no depth whatsoever...
Infinity audio- My Philips 1000 sounds nothing like you
describe. Maybe it's the rest of your system or your room.

Why don't you just sell it and stop bad mouthing it.
Not ONLY I have the same proble, look into OTHER THREADS before you bad mouthing me.
proble?????????? Not only can it be a little difficult to understand if even YOU know what you are talking about , but what is even more amusing is reading your copious commentary whereby you misspell words at an alarming rate. Youre funny and a little sad but I get a huge laugh reading what you have to say Mr Audio. Bathe us in your acumen.