What interconnects with SACD 1000 ?

Out of curiosity, what interconnects are you folks using with your SACD 1000 ? I know that this is both system dependent and a matter of personal preference, but i'm kind of curious. I was running the cables that i had hooked up to my previous DVD / CD player but was missing top end "air" and "spaciousness". Switched over to some Magnan IV's tonight. Not too much time listening to them, but the sound is now very natural sounding but a little lean and lacking "drive" for harder music. Bass is MUCH sharper and cleaner sounding with far better definition, but lacking in "weight". Kind of a role reversal as the 1000 initially struck me as being a little heavy at the very bottom. Those of you into acoustic music / vocals may find this combo very, very nice. From the lower mids on up, the presentation is very natural, to the point of being "seamless". If i could just get a bit more warmth out of this combo, i'd be riding down main street. I'm going to pull the IV's and put them onto my burner ( never burned these as i just picked them up a while ago ) and see what happens. Burning cables tends to fill in the warmth region a bit, so this may be just what i need. In the meantime, i'll try throwing in a set of my Magnan II's or III's and see where that takes me. These all have somewhat similar sonics ( air dielectric with 36 gauge wire ) with different levels of air and slight shifts in tonal balance.

In the meantime, how about sharing what you folks have come up with ? Anybody done any comparisons to see what's worked best for them ? Sean
Have you have enough education from both your school and your teacher about being nice with the people who made mistake? This thread is for people to discuss, it's not for you to make fun of people. If you continue this behavior, I will notify Audiogon staff and have your membership taken away.
I couldn't agree more with your comments! Even ignoring his poorly-assembled collection of misspelled words, Infinity_audio's dribble should be considered nothing more than amusement. His "reviews" (what pomposity!), at least those regarding the Philips SACD 1000, are mutually-contradictory, each one apparently influenced by whatever side of the rug on which he finds himself when he awakens.

I, too, make mistakes, but I've never thought to blame them on a "bad kayboard"! Gotta give him credit for inventiveness, if for nothing else!

If you are happy with your SACD 1000, then fine. However, don't knock Infinity for sharing his opinion. Please do not consider his opinion as a personal attack AND do NOT attack him because his opinion is different from yours.

What he states is the general consensus among many people with very transparent systems. This machine is a great value at $400; it was a good value at $1000. At its original MSRP of $2000, it was sadly mediocre but full of features: DVD, CD and SACD.

Stop wasting your time with people whose systems are not as transparent as yours. I'd suggest you take yourself over to Audio Asylum for a more balanced approach to audio.
Jeffrt: If you haven't already done so, please try reading ALL of IA's posts regarding the SACD 1000. For a good start, you might want to start here. I have no problems with dissenting opinions so long as they are actually legit and have some form of foundation ( first hand experience, technical details, etc..).

As far as AA goes, I was one of the original founding members of the forum and have contributed quite a bit of info to both the AA forums ( primarily in the past ) and the actual funding of operations. I went so far as to sponsor and run two different fund-raisers to help support that website. If you doubt this, take a look at the list of contributors and see how many times my name comes up. For the record, i was actually the very first person to contribute and support that site. If you don't believe me, ask Rod.

As such, I could post the same material on either website. Personally, i find the constant quarrels and high level of negativity on AA to be bothersome. This is not to say that i haven't started my fair share of "ruckus" with specific individuals ( primarily Stereophile employees ), but this was done not on a personal but professional level.

I also don't need to see a dozen+ posts a day in the digital or Hi-Rez forums that are nothing more than SACD is better than DVD-A or vice-versa or Rich doing nothing more than putting everyone / everything down. I've been down that road and talked to Rod, Stephaen, etc... and they've more than got their hands full.

As such, i prefer to post / contribute to these forums. It is a little more laid back ( this is a good thing ) and doesn't have quite the knowledge base via professional input but is also typically more consistent in the views presented. Since Infinity Audio was anything BUT consistent in his point of view, THAT is why he was called to task. He or anyone else can present their point of view and say that a component is a piece of junk or has specific flaws. I've done it more than a few times and probably will again. One does not have to agree with everything presented here to post or share a point of view. The fact that Infinity started his own thread about the inadequacies of the unit, then started another thread on his own shortly thereafter stating that he was happy with the unit and then produced more negative posts shortly after that about the unit is what bothers me. That and the fact that he has changed his story about what he's using as support components several times. As such, it's hard to get a grip on where he's coming from, let alone believe what he's posting.

As far as the SACD 1000 goes, i've never stated that it was a "world class" unit. I've said that i thought it was solid performer and had a lot of potential. Is that anything different than what has been said at AA ??? Sean