Just for kicks, take a look at the digital source that is being used to drive custom built tube preamp / custom built tube monoblocks / custom built speakers at CES / T.H.E. Show. Obviously, some people do feel that the SACD 1000 is capable of being used at reference level and are willing to bet the reputation of their entire product line on it by using it as a source for their system at a show of this calibre.
Here's a picture of one of my other transports being used as a reference for another system. It is a G&D Transforms Ultimate TransPort-1 aka UTP-1. My guess is that this is the system that Bob Crump / John Curl / Carl Thompson of CTC Builders has set up to demonstrate the $10,000 CTC Blowtorch preamp ( located below the "Flintstone looking" G&D ), which is probably feeding a pair of their Parasound / CTC Builders JC-1 Monoblocks. From what i've been told by reliable sources, the JC-1's are probably the best buy in high end amplification at this point in time. I know that the JC-1's have replaced some highly respected OTL's in one system and even some $40,000 SS amps in another with the owners never looking back. The JC-1's also seem to be an excellent match for the big SoundLab's too from what i understand. Not bad for amps that list for around $6K a pair. Sean
Here's a picture of one of my other transports being used as a reference for another system. It is a G&D Transforms Ultimate TransPort-1 aka UTP-1. My guess is that this is the system that Bob Crump / John Curl / Carl Thompson of CTC Builders has set up to demonstrate the $10,000 CTC Blowtorch preamp ( located below the "Flintstone looking" G&D ), which is probably feeding a pair of their Parasound / CTC Builders JC-1 Monoblocks. From what i've been told by reliable sources, the JC-1's are probably the best buy in high end amplification at this point in time. I know that the JC-1's have replaced some highly respected OTL's in one system and even some $40,000 SS amps in another with the owners never looking back. The JC-1's also seem to be an excellent match for the big SoundLab's too from what i understand. Not bad for amps that list for around $6K a pair. Sean