Decent power strip

I've been searching the forum to find out if there's a reasonably priced ($100-$200) power strip to use for some headphone gear. The only information I was able to dig up was on DIY project power strips which I'm not interested in. I have 3-4 devices to plug in but only a duplex at this location. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Donjr, What a coincidence. I bought my Schitt Bifrost under the same condition.

Also, if the Mapleshade PC is too expensive, try the Wiremold l10320 power strip. It, like the Mapleshade, has no fuses, passive protection, indicator lights, or switch contacts to muddy up the sound. It used to go for under $30 but this is the best price I could find for the moment;,Ny:True,Ro:0&dsDimensionSearch=D:wiremold+l10320,Dxm:All,Dxp:3&SearchType=0

It's sad that it's now going for more than twice its price from a decade ago and that their power strips with circuit breakers, lights, etc. goes for less than half. They must have caught onto the demand from audiophiles.

By the way, it's the only power strip that Naim recommends for their products.

All the best,
Wiremold. Used them off and on for years; recently put one back in my system.
The Schiit was delivered today. Wow what a beautiful design and top notch build quality.

Nonoise, that's hilarious. I felt like a fool after I ordered this amp but I'm thinking it might be loads of fun. I might end up with a Byfrost at some point. I'll find out soon I'm sure. I could sell this Rotel CDP to buy one, although this is a rather nice CDP.

Thanks again to everyone for their suggestions. It's very helpful for people like myself living in a older home with fewer outlets. I'll be mindful of how much current I'm drawing of course.