Mark Levinson 31.5 vs. CEC TL0 MK2

Does anyone have enough experience with CEC to cmpare it to a Levinson 31.5?
Note To Self: In future, don't read nocoherent english messages. Hokey dokey?
Hey Gamp--
You misunderstood my meaning. Assuming you have experience with the CEC and the Levinson in question, I'd like to understand your opinion regarding the two.

Since no one else has stepped forward and offered a translation, here's what I've determined you attempted to say:

"Levinson's transports, although incontestably more interesting than their CD players, sonically are very ordinary. Their most expensive model is more amusical than CEC's TL-1, which is not very good to begin with. The TL-0 is insultingly good---in a very different class (assumed: superior?) from the TL-1---and is far better than Levinson can even dream of offering."

Is this fairly accurate?

Since you remarked that the most expensive Levinson is "more amusical" than the TL-1, am I correct in assuming that you consider the TL-1 amusical in itself?

What do you consider the most salient difference(s) between the performance of the TL-1 and that of the TL-0? Really---I'd like to know, since I have a TL-1X and might consider the purchase of a TL-0 if, by doing so, I could improve my system.
NO offense Verybigampm,but this is the second post I have read of yours and you ARE a pompous Ass!!! give insight not criticism.
I am nor offended at all. I even accept it as a compliment. The last time I had the same compliment was when an Army’s drill sergeant told me that I am idiot who is so stupid that I am not qualify to serve in his squad