Break in of Link DAC III

I purchased a link DAC III with half nelson upgrade a couple of weeks ago. I'm not overly impressed with it so far. While it is an improvement on my Rotel RCD 971, it's not night and day like I had heard in the audio store. I understand that break-in is required, but just how long are we talking here? So far, i have about 50 hours on it. Will there be a significant improvement in overall sound?

Associated equipment:
Rotel rcd971
Nakamichi AV10 top of line surround receiver (I suspect this is part of the problem)
NHT 2.5i speakers
KimberKable DV90 (i think that's it - silver coax cable)
audioquest type 4 speaker cable.

I'm starting to think that I got scammed into paying for a half Nelson upgrade that was never done. In other words, i'm worried that I just have the base model WITHOUT the upgrade, but that I paid for the upgrade (i'm not that trusting of the dealer - he seems like a scammer).

Main questions that need answering are:

1. Is break-in a significant improvement in sound quality? and if so, then how long does it take (and will it be a 'sudden improvement' or just gradual)?

2. How can I check to see if I ACTUALLY got the half Nelson upgrade?

any help for my worried mind would be appreciated...

Having owned a Link Dac II, III and a Half-Nelson w/upsamling I assure you that you should hear a dramatic improvement with the .5-Nelson: More body, weight bloom, better placement of instruments in the 3D soundscape, same esquisite detail but a touch smoother, more natural extension top to bottom and much better bass articulation over the lesser models and over your CDP. Don't give up on the Nelson, just your dealer! Good luck.
Get into a habit of opening the hood of your gear before listening haha... I am playful, I do so to all my gears...
Hello again...

As an update, I still have not found out whether or not the distributor is, in fact, authorized to do the upgrades. I will not found out until about mid-January or so (after the show in Las Vegas), as the owner of MSB is in attendance.

I will say, however, that although the distributor was quite rude to me on the telephone and questioned my intelligence and knowledge, he agreed (through the retailer, who was also VERY surprised with the supposed 'Half Nelson Mods') to upgrade a new unit to spec - making sure to use all the proper components.

I am patiently awaiting the new unit and in the meantime I was told that I could keep and use the existing dac. I have decided, however, NOT to use the dac at all. Heaven forbid that a problem arises with the unit and I am held responsible.


MSB was unable to confirm whether or not the Canadian distributor for their products IS, in fact, authorized to do the Half Nelson upgrade. Seems strange, I know, but after much hemming and hawing, I did not get a clear cut answer. What I did get was 'Perhaps they were once upon a time, but I don't know about now...' (and this was from the Sales Manager!)

Why she did not take the time to find out for certain and get back to me with the information, I have no idea...(and this is after MANY conversations with the company LONG DISTANCE at MY EXPENSE! One would at least expect a courtesy call).

The Canadian distributor has since replaced the parts with the correct ones and I got the unit back about two and a half weeks ago.

Unfortunately, about a week after bringing it home, I discovered that the optical input was DOA. I could not believe it! I'm not sure who QC's these products, but one would think that something as simple as an input would be checked before delivery.

I initially purchased the unit (paid in full) 2 weeks before Christmas... today is February 19 and I STILL have not received the unit AND when I call the retailer, he keeps telling me that he'll call me back (Which he never does) AND the distributor is not returning my calls either.

I cannot believe how much of a nightmare this has become. I will NEVER purchase a product from MSB again. And I ESPECIALLY will not purchase from the retailer again as this is not the first shifty activity to have taken place.

Deeply disappointed in the whole situation.
