problem with levinson no 37?

I have a levinson 37 transport and I just purchased a used copy of the Sony, 20 bit, Miles Davis Kind of Blue. The Levinson is unable to read the disc but all of my other players have no problem with it (cheap bedroom player and car player). The disc appears to be in perfect cosmetic shape. I guess my question is, do you think the problem is with the disc or the player?
That's weird to me. I haven't been able to get any copies to play in the 37.
Rives--You say that you can't get any burned CD-R to play in your 37? Do you get any of the messages I listed above? Perhaps there may be something related to the CD burner itself. Have you tried copies made on somebody else's computer? Have you had any problems, or has anyone else out there had problems getting hybrid SACDs to read?
I'm going to try it again. If I recall I got a BAD DISC error. It has been a long time since I tried it, and it's possible I have not done this with my new writter. Will let you know. My hybrid CDs read fine. I do have at least two Rhino discs that I can't get to read in this player, but they read fine in other players in the house.
I used to have a No. 39 and I also had problems like the ones people are describing. I sent it to Madrigal, they did some work, but never were able to completely eliminate the problem. I remeber particularly having problems with "enhanced" CDs that had visual material on them. My impression was that the transport mechanism they use is fussier than most others with respect to redbook standards, but I never felt that was a good excuse.
I burned another one last night. I got the E TOC BAD SPIN BAD DISC messages. Would not play. This was on the best burner I've used (Yamaha CDRW-F1), Mitsui gold CD-R, and burned at 1x with Nero. We use this for our masters and the quality is superb, but the 37 won't play it.