Budget CDP upgrade: DAC or new CDP?

Thinking about upgrade for my NAD c541i to something better around $1.5K... Heard that this NAD performs as a transport much better then as CDP. What would be wiser, to find another CDP, or to get DAC (ex: MF A3.2cr) to be used with my c541i?

i am exactly at your situation, i am now currently using the MF A3 cd-player. I am not sure what to do next, i have consider the wadia 12 dac or the wadia-32x... i am so confused,,, i have also look at the Shanling T-100 ... ,now i really dont know what choice should i go for .. ? anyone knows if the wadia will give out those warm and rich soubding like the shaling with its valve output ?? help ...!!
If there was something perfect as a transport (lowest jitter) even with not the best DAC section, paired with some pretty good DAC, it might beat some best CD players around. But I find difficult to determine CDP with the lowest jitter...
Of course, one would expect a $1000 stand alone DAC to outperform a relatively one box player in most circumstances. The manufacturer doesn't have to pay for a transport, etc. From what you have stated, I think you might be focusing a little too much on specs. What you hear is really much more important than looking a jitter specs. Jitter is likely to be more of a concern with an outboard DAC and transport than it will be with a one box player. There are literally scads of players in the $1500 range, and I can't claim to have heard them all. Some possibilities to look into include the Linn Ikemi, Rega Jupiter, Classe CDP-10, Ayre CX-7 and the Sony SCD-XA777ES. All are very, very good and could be had in some form for less than $2000.
I would say we have to take into consideration both sides. Specs is not the way to choose audio equiment, otherwise Sansui would be best ever ;) However I prefer to like how it sounds "due to" and not "in spite of"... how it's designed - in second case it usually reminds about himself... after return policy has already ended. I believe jitter is a parameter of overall quality of almost any digital component...