To Z or Not To Z - Systems

There hasn't been much talk about the Z-Systems EQ only. Does anyone have any experience with this unit - good side / bad side. I believe it is the RDQ - 1. I know TACT is out there but it takes sofware and seems to be more complicated.
Look at the Behringer 8024, too ( It's a digital equalizer with an automatic room correction function, sounds very interesting and is cheap. There was a lot of discussion on it on audioasylum, and a review on which you'll find via google, typing "Behringer equalizer"
I have an 8024 but it is only digital in the sense of functions. It is still analog in and analog out. I used it in a second system and it eventually went out. Not worth fixing. They may have another version which is digital in/out.
Behringer now offers a digital upgrade for the 8024, so that you could e.g. run it between the Electrocompaniet and the Chord. I understand that this is a new option. See for their website, if interesting for you. Or was the 8024 so disappointing that you threw it out for good? I think about ordering it myself, but so far have only read about it. I have a German Audionet Art V2 CD-transport and a Chord DAC-64 as well, going into a McIntosh C200. Did you try and compare the 8024 within the processor loop of your Mc-preamp? Florian
Hi Florian - The CD sounds real good and really puts my system through a workout. Thanks. The 8024 just died after many years - it sounded about like most analog eq's I have tried. I did not see the digital upgrade at its website but will check again. I have a digital looking Alesis I use in another system but it is analog in and out also. It sounds just like the 8024. I say looking because it has digital readouts and controls. I noticed the big price drop in the 8024 at I thought maybe a digital correction might be better than my two tone controls on my Mcintosh 2200 tube preamp. I use a Peavey Kosmos between my preamp and amp and it is a lot of fun. Gives things more presence and expands the soundstage with more guts in the bass when I want there to be. It can also be defeated.