Audio Aero Capitole 24/192... anyone know if the

Anyone know if this version also has digital volume control from the remote and analog volume control from the front panel knob? The manual doesn't say.

From my experiences with that player it is an analog volume attenuation regardless of you using the control on the unit or the remote. I do know on the Mk I there are two different remotes, both of which can control the volume- I don't see how they could make one volume digital and one analog. But when in doubt call a dealer they will be able to clear up the confusion; I haven't used a MkI in over 6 months so my memory may be a little fuzzy.
The reason I am wondering about this is that the original Soundstage review stated there were both digital and analog volume controls and that the remote only controlled the digital volume control and the front panel the analog volume control. I don't know if this has been changed on the 24/192?

Also, anyone know if it is possible to lower the step changes in volume from the remote (ie. make finer increments)?

Capitole MKI remote control can attenuate the volume in the Analog domain or in the digital. The first one allow you to move the volumen knob from the remote.

If you press CD, only the digital control will work, but if you press CD/PRE, you will be using the analog volumen control that is much better.
