Audio Aero Capitole 24/192... anyone know if the

Anyone know if this version also has digital volume control from the remote and analog volume control from the front panel knob? The manual doesn't say.

Capitole MKI remote control can attenuate the volume in the Analog domain or in the digital. The first one allow you to move the volumen knob from the remote.

If you press CD, only the digital control will work, but if you press CD/PRE, you will be using the analog volumen control that is much better.

I have the Capitole (not the 24bit but the one with single bit) with the manual says the volume control at the remote controls both analog and digital at the same time.
Why not ask M. Combelles at the company? I've received two helpful replies to my emails, though it may take a little time. I've assumed that the volume control manual knob is analogue and what the remote volume control is digital, but I'm not sure. The manual is the worst, least informative I've ever seen, except for a cheap Radio Shack multitester, circa 1955, made in Japan, whose manual's English was very much made in Japan. Good luck! I found the email address somewhere on their web site.
Rcr is correct. Digital atten functions after you press "CD"; analog atten functions after you press "CDPRE". Front panel knob is analog regardless, afaik.
Well I guess I learn something new everyday! Now that I have learnt it I can go back to being brain dead :) thanks for clearing it up Rcr.