Cal Audio Labs Icon MK II

So I've had this player for about 7 years, and really like it. Does anyone out there have advice about the "power boss" upgrade? Is it worth it? I'm not really interested in HDCD at this point; can the upgrade be done without the HDCD for less $$$? I tried to contact the website for CAL, but it's a little strange...seems some central access site for lots of companies?? Maybe I'll have to phone. Thanks. PS I have cj premiere 11, AI L1, Theil 1.5's, can't remember the cables. Thanks again.
CAL was bought by Sensory Sciences which is a subsidiary of Sonic Blue. Information on support for CAL products is available at A quick look didn't uncover anything about upgrades to the Icon MkII, so you might want to contact them directly. Good luck!
I don't know whether or not the upgrade is still available. However, I had my unit upgraded by CAL in 1995 and the positive overall improvements weren't subtle: particularly better bass, soundstaging, and musical involvement. I have since sold the unit to a friend who remains very satisfied. Best Regards, Lars