Audio Note CD 2.1 - any takes?

I recently auditioned this cd player with the Audio Note Oto integrated amp. I was very, very impressed. Being new to the tube word though, I haven't had the opportunity to make many comparisons. I've read that the Audio Aero Prima should be a price point competitor and I'm also interested in the possiblitiy of a tube modified Sony SACD player.

What do the gurus sayeth?
Well, not a guru, just someone who owned a AN 2.1 CD player.
It was a very musical, warm, non-fatiguing sounding player.
I loved it so much, I sold it and upgraded to an AN 2 transport and an AN 3.1X signature DAC.
Good idea to consider Sony mod,If you want ss,Richard
Kern is a good one, from what I read, If you want tube
output, Modwright is the way to go.
Go with the Audio Note. I have a Soro SE Phono, AN3 speakers, AN-L cables, and just replaced my Music Hall with an AN2. Mescabo nails it: musical. I heard a friends, started looking, and bang, found one here on the 'gon for $625 out the door.