Do I want a preamp?

If my only source is going to be a CD player,
than should I sell my preamp and buy a CD player
with a volume control, and go directly into my amp?
If so, my thinking is a Cary 303/200. Any other suggestions?
Thanks for your help.
Audio Resolution Opus 21. There is a review somewhere comparing the two, try StereoTimes or Soundstage or check their web sites. May even try a search here on Agon. THe reviewer kept the Opus.
I have a Quad CDP player that I plug directly into the Power Amp. It even has 3 digital inputs which allow you to plug in other components to use its 24-192 DAC. Not as mellow as my previous Rega but the Quad has great detail and great tight bass compared to the Rega. The volume control is on the CD remote.
After listening to my wadia straight into my amp. I sold my tuner tape deck and Pre and have no regrets.
Depends on a few factors, the input sensitivity/input impededance of your power amp and the cdp's ability to drive it and how long the cable run is from the cdp to the power amp.

Most cdps are designed to drive the high impedance, high
sensitivity input of a preamp.

Without the added gain and impedance buffering provided by the preamp most cdps don't sound as dynamic when use to
drive a power amp directly. Yes- they'll play loud, but
the sound can be flat and lifeless.

I'm using a buffered passive preamp between my cdp and power amp, which only needs .75 volts to put out it's 300 watts/ch., plus my speakers are fairly efficient(another factor to consider) and it works for me.

I suggest you talk with Cary and tell them about your system.
I would reiterate everything Kana813 stated but also add amplifier gain as a factor. If your amp has less than 30db gain you should keep your preamp.

FWIW, I currently run my DAC direct into my power amp and it sounds wonderful.