modified jolida 100, mh cd-25, or audio aero prima

I am in the process of researching a new cd player for my system and see to many choices. My system consists of marantx sr8000 as a pre, mca 50 amp, paradigm 80's front, 40's rear, and cc. I listen to music/Ht 50/50. I would like a good red book cd player for my system. I see some very good reviews for both the modified Jolida and MH. I am also interested in the audio aero prima. My budget is in the 1k to 2K range. The modified players seem very reasonable. My location does not permit me to audition these players. Your experience and expertise would be appreciated.

Any more comments on your new CDP? I am curious to hear, no pun intended, of your experience. Thnx!
I love it. I have about 110 hours on it, although some said it would take a while to burn in, I found it very pleasing at about 60 hours.

I have been using EH 12ax7eh's and really like them, vocals are awesom. Decay is sweet. A very black background. Dynamics are acceptable.

I tried some JAN GE 5751's (grey plate?) great dynamics, solid bass, decent vocals, but lost decay sweetnes and definately lost imaging. So back in the EH's went.

I have ordered Some NOS RCA 5751 triple mica black plates, on Muralmans advice, they should be in this weekend. I will come back and give my impression of these as well.

I only have one complaint, the case is a real bugger to open up. Seeing as you have to remove it to change tubes I wish it had been made easier to do. It is thick gauge steel.

The remote is a solid chunk of aluminum with ball bearings for buttons, awesome. FWIW.

Just following this thread for a while, listened to Stock jolida, Midrange, sounstage is great for stock unit, The only problem was Bass, today ordered modified one, looking forward to your impression of this player with these new tubes.


Milind, no one should give final judgement on the Jolida without upgrading tubes, and without breaking in. Your modified Jolida will come with Svetlana tubes. This will give you the impression the mod Jolida is better. Whereas, I can tell you the Svetlanas can be bettered still.

I can't say the Jolida has the last word on bass, compared with solid state. It is a true tube powered unit. Everyone knows tube bass sounds different than solid state.

I enjoy plenty of bass with my stock Jolida, and it is a musical bass.

A friend of mine and I switched out his Telefunken tubes in his Llano amp with black plate 5751 tubes. The black plates sounded more natural.
Hi Muralman1,

There is no doubt that this is musical CD player, The stock jolida is itself a very good player, I heard Aracm FMJ 23T, CD-72 with Bel Canto, Rega Jupiter and Planet, They have their own strength and weaknesses, Any day I will buy Stock jolda over these payers, just because how musical it is, the vocals and soundstage are like no other CD Player, In that area its in a different league, I know more than these mods, the tubes will make lot of difference and svetlanas can be bettered by other tubes, I believe in your judgement, your experience with all these tubes will help me in getting the better tubes, so whenever (even a month) anyone thinks its a right time to post impressions about the new tubes, it will help the newcomers like me, that's the only point.

