modified jolida 100, mh cd-25, or audio aero prima

I am in the process of researching a new cd player for my system and see to many choices. My system consists of marantx sr8000 as a pre, mca 50 amp, paradigm 80's front, 40's rear, and cc. I listen to music/Ht 50/50. I would like a good red book cd player for my system. I see some very good reviews for both the modified Jolida and MH. I am also interested in the audio aero prima. My budget is in the 1k to 2K range. The modified players seem very reasonable. My location does not permit me to audition these players. Your experience and expertise would be appreciated.
Distortion, I have a pair of EH coming, on your recommendation. I honestly don't expect much, but I'm more that willing to be surprised, since my very favorite tube type has been wiped out.
Well, as cheap as they are, why noy give 'em a try.

I wouldnt go so far as to say favorite, I really like the RCA 5751 black plates, now I am trying some Ei 12ax7ln's I like them as well. "" has a decent selection of newer manufacture tubes(Sovteks, Ei's, EH's, and more, I gave a clickable link a few posts back)

I cant remember the address, but a placed called "upscale audio," has a good selction of NOS tubes. A'gon member "fat_cat" sold me the RCA 5751 blackplates, give him an email, I bet he has some more and is a real pleasure to work with, not to mention a fast shipper, which is great for immediate gratification guys like myself. hehe.

I listened some more to the Ei 12ax7s last night I really like this tube. It definately is a bit more dry than the 5751's but, it isnt as pronounced on the highs. (my system tends to be on the bright side, Bryston amp, Metal tweets, hardwood floors, no drapes, Silver/copper hybrid ICs) In my system it sounds nice. Just a though.
I found the Sylvania black plate 3 mica to be the best followed by the GE. I replaced the power cord with one available from and am using the DIY interconnect from the same website. I also found placing the CDP on a block of styrofoam useful. All of the above changes had an improvement in the sound.
Thats good info Crgolfer, I havent used Sylvania tubes yet, but I have read that many folks like them. Are the Sylvanias 5751s or 12ax7s?

I have been using Vibrapods for isolation and a MIT Zcord power cable. I am thinking of upgrading the PC. Any recommendations?

I have had a pair of EI 12ax7ln's tubes in for a week or so. I really like these tubes.

Muralman, have your EH tubes arrived yet. I am interested in your opinions on these.
I'm running them now, for the first time, Distortion. I don't hear the microphonics that plague nearly all 12AX7 tubes. The mids are very good. There is a trade off between the EH tubes and the Sylvania 5751 black plates (my personal favorite). The EH tubes are gently rolled off. This gives a softer, not unpleasant female voice. The bass is more soft, but forgiveable. Because of the roll off, the EH tube is not as concise or detailed as the Sylvania.

I will give the EH tube high marks, though, because compared to all 12AX7 tubes I have tried (Mullard, Telefunken, Phillips, etc.) the EH is the most enjoyable, and they don't call attention to themselves, their faults being relatively minor.

Now I have switched back to the Sylvanias. The roll off is gone, and the leading edge, so important for transparency, is fully restored. The bass has tightened, as I knew it would.

I am surprised that the 25% less gain of the 5751 isn't pronounced. That might be because of the higher treble energy.

For casual listening, I will keep the Electro Harmonix in the stable. Thanks for the tip, Distortion.