friend is looking for good $800-$1200 cd player

new or used

cannot be top loading so Rega's are out

wants engaging musical performance and good tonal balance

new or used - preferably with remote

he has a plinus 8200 int, B&W Matrix 3 speakers and a 12 by 15 room (he's moving up from an old denon)

any suggestions?

I'd second Mcfavre4. I use a Plinius 8150 with a Linn Ikemi and had B&W Matrix 803s until recently. Joel
No need to spend $800. your friend can get Nad 541i or Cambridge D500SE for much less with great performance and functions.
If you go with Marakanetz suggestion, then also get a better after market power cord, especially for the D500SE. Makes a big difference over the cheap cord they give you in the box.
1) Add a Bel Canto DAC 1.0, 1.1 or 2.0. These seem to be a little more indiscriminant about the transport than most.
2) Buy a new 999ES with a few mods from
3) Buy a used Sony XA7ES or a used Resolution Audio CD50. These can direct drive an amp and the sony's have volume control on the remote. Don't remember about the CD50.
4) Ah Tjoeb's are very nice too.

I'd try a BC first.
I've been happy with the Muse Model 9 CDP. You can get them used for a great price.