Meitner DCC2

I have asked this question in another thread but would appreciate more feedback if any.

That CDSD-DCC2 is great is not much in doubt. My question is with regards to DCC2's pre-map funcationality and specifically its quality.

Would u recommend hooking it up directly to power amps, thus suing its pre-amp funcationality, or by passing and thus using a separate quality pre-amp? If so any in particular? I have Linn Klimaxx 500 Monoblocks.

I'm posting to this only because I don't want to look for this thread at a later date. I listened to the DCC2 late last week for about an hour. It was only a couple of days old and since it needs 400 or more hours for break in I'll give you my unbiased opinion later after a real A/B comparsion. My first reaction was that it is incredibly smooth. I tried very hard to do critical listening but found I was just carried away by the music. If that's any indication of what this piece will be like after break in it will be world class. Hopefully the owner, Vetterone, will provide you with his opinion when all is sorted out.

I'll continue to follow this thread and urge him to post his findings at the appropriate time. Maybe a couple of weeks from now? I'll also give you my personal observations then too.

I have about 200 hours on my DCC2, and while I haven't done an A-B with an external preamp, I really haven't felt any need to. As Lugnut mentioned above, the unit is incredibly SMOOTH and involving, but with none of the blurring of detail that those terms sometimes imply. I've had some fine preamps in my system--most recently the First Sound Presence Deluxe--but with the DCC2 I'm literally hearing things in recordings I haven't heard before. And the music is more enjoyable and listenable than it's ever been. I'm not sure how much of that is attributable to the preamp section, but I'm guessing a pretty decent chunk.
Is it a world class pre-amp???.....this I cannot tell you. I will say that I am fairly confident that it equals or betters anything I have used in the past. Take a look at my virtual system which lists just about all of the equipment I have owned. I have used the unit as a pre-amp a few times now, but honestly, not with equipment I am greatly familiar with. I warn you though that it is extremely neutral and reminds me of my placette audio pre-amps (passive and active). Unless you greatly prefer a big tubey sound, I don't think you can go wrong with using it as a pre-amp.