CD Players $1,000 - $1,500 US - any info on Talk?

Current Considerations:
- Talk Electronics Thunder CD 1.1/2.1 (1.2/2.2 just announced)
- Rega Planet 2000
- QUAD 99 CDP (CD Pre-Amp combo)
- Cary CD-308
- NAD 541i / s500i

My Current System:
Quad 21Ls - NAD C350 Integrated - Pioneer DV353
My QUAD will become my multi-channel movie system - this CD player will grow with me to start my two-channel music system.

The Talk's are 500-1000 more than the Rega Planet 2k depending on the Talk model but I can find hardly anything on Talk Electronics/Saxon - anyone have any information?

The Cary might be in my price range but its just on the edge .

Any recommendations of used players or impressions of any of these players or any other tips would be appreciated.

Nathan K.
You might want to consider a used player such as the Cary. I compared the Cary 303-100 directly to the Rega models and it was clearly better in openess, soundstage, bass response and detail. I bought mine used here and will never buy a new piece of audio equipment again. Used 303-100's can be found for $900-$1200. Good luck.
The Cary 308 retails for $1,500. If you have a dealer that you regularly work with then you should be able to get it for less than that, probably around $1,250. You can get one used for between $750-$1,000. Good luck! Robert.
The Jolida 100 has many faces. With the right tubes, it is awesome. See the 100+ message Jolida thread for details.
Disclaimer: I am a Xindak dealer.

One unit you may not have heard of or considered is the Xindak SCD-2. It is an absolutely wonderful player for the money ($1695 retail). It is SACD/CD with tube output stages (true balanced outputs). It is also available with solid-state output stages (SCD-1). Please let me know if you have any specific questions.

Best Regards...Mike - Father & Son Audio
Try the Vecteur L4 or L4.2. They are awesome players beat anything in their price class