Garbage in - Garbage out?

How many of you think that the source is the most important component and that everything else in the chain should be upgraded to the source? Is it worth it to spend mucho $$ on a cd only source these days? I've got upgradeitis...
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I'm an infrequent poster here and an admirer of Albert Porter's rig. Thanks for all the comments.
With a new hi-rez format being the real improvement in digital sound...I wouldnt recommend blowing your wad on a conventional "redbook" player at the moment(why pigeon hole yourself...flexibility is the key in my book) far the cheapest componet in my system is a Sony SACD/cd player...I happened to go that route because my old digital source was just that...old...and I agree...source is important...but to really make a quantum leap in have to have speakers and electronics that would reveal any improvements to begin with...