How does the Jolida JD-100 compare to...

I've seen alot of comparisons to CDP's that sell used for less than $1000, but can anyone report how this CD player compares to higher end units? I've got an Arcam CD23, and would like to know if anyone has done any comparisons. Or how about some other very good units, such as the Theta Miles, Cary upper end players, and others.

All relevant observations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Last year I purchased a Theta Miles (balanced version). I compared it to the Arcam FMJ, Cary, ARC CD3, among others. I thought the ARC was the most refined and best of the bunch, but the Theta was real close. It even had a better bottom end to my ears. Put that with an analog volume control and over $2000 cheaper than the ARC......... I think the Theta rules for the bucks.
Great review, Buxter66. I own the Jolida too, and I agree with your summation. Off the shelf Jolidas sound wonderful. They sound deciedly better, when fitted with YOUR tubes. That is something everyone has too explore for themselves.

This isn't the first time I've heard someone rate the Jolida over the over three times more costly Cary.

Peter, if you are looking at used CDPS in the $1000 range, then it would be crazy not to audition a NEW Jolida 100 for only $900. Used CDPS are a mine field.

Could you please suggest some/what tubes you find to
make the already great sounding Jolida, even better?
I just bought another one (sold first one awhile
back...went around the cdp block a few times since
and now I'm back).

I totally agree with the other reviews on this player,
an absolute steal, "especially" at the price.

Anyway any tube recommendations, and where I can
purchase them would be greatly appreciated.

I have telefunken smooth plates 12ax7's. took the jolida to a different league over the svetlanas. much more refined, organic, musical, much more layering, separation, dimension, instrumental timbres way more right, esp. strings and piano, not to mention vocals and everything else . I find the tele's quite subtle, highly detailed, "upright" in presentation. I would like some specific suggestions too along with their sonic traits...

Do you know where I can purchase a set
of the telefunken smooth plate 12ax7's?
