The best DAC for the money

I'm thinking to buy a DAC, but not really sure which one to choose... Preferable with HDCD decoding, and reasonable price... You name it

Source: NAD c541i
Amp: Sim Moon i-5 integrated
Speakers: Revel M20
Cables: AZ Satori, etc...
For the money you can't beat a Cal Audio Alpha. I see them used for 350+/- reguarily. This tube DAC has a slightly forward midrange and is just magnificent for vocals and small jazz groups. I prefer it in that aspect to my BAT.
I wouldnt monkey with a DAC...if u factor in interconnects, jitter issues, etc...I would simply go with an improved CD unit...however....that last %5 or less in sonic improvement will cost you 4 or 5 times what the NAD costs....but its your call...the NAD is not the end all...but it is very musical for the money...
Dmitrydr, I think you're missing the point. Newer digital chips are always improving and most likely better than the previous generation. That's exactly what the clock and opamp mod does. This does not change the original good design but it improves the flaws from the older technology. Unless you shell out tons of money for the latest and the greatest DAC, I don't think you're going to get much better performance when compared to clock and opamp mod. Well, if your player is really that bad to begin with, why did you buy it in the first place?
S23chang, I don't think it's that bad :) I just say that I'm doubt that opamps and crystal oscillator upgarde may significantly improve sound quality (if I'm wrong I'd appreciate some more detailed explanation) for budget level device, such as NAD. If you're talking about upgrade of digital filters and all the stuff around the internal DAC - I think it would be easier and cheaper to buy a new CDP. Or, an external DAC :)