Is there a"giant Killer" CDP ?

Im looking for a high end CDP (one box or two box) to be absolutly great on reedbook. There are the renown ML 390S,Wadia 861, Capitole,Accupase 75V etc. I wonder if anyone actually has use one of these or any other true high end players in their own system and tried a cheaper solution and found it better than the true High end player.Please comment only if you actually tried both players in your own system!
I dont think you can judge who is better comparing players in shows and in stores!
Sure, the Classe CDP-1....after owning the ML-39, Sony XA-7es, various transport/DAC combos, the ARC CD-2 and 3...etc. this Classe player is a super "bang for the buck" it could be the ultra-analog DACs or the fact that there are discrete transistors in there...not big IC chips/op-amps, but this is a very musical CD player.

This may not be the ultimate giant killer...but it may be the very best, price considered.
Sorry to confuse the issue but I think the answer to your question depends on what you, and those that respond to this question, can hear (multiple meanings intended).

I have both a Sony SCD-555ES and a Wadia 861xi hooked into the same system. I have conducted blind tests, playing the same redbook cd on each to see if they can be distinguished.

Many people cannot tell one from the other. Some can tell the difference accurately, consistently, descriptively, and unfailingly.
I own the Capitole Mk 2 and Prima, for 2 different systems. I have compared the Prima to the Capitole and the Capitole is just a little bit better, not by much. The Capitole Mk 2 is considered by many to be one of the best players at any price, so this really says something about the Prima.
I've had the accuphase seperates, and a capitole mkII(the capitole is light years ahead of the accuphase, sonically- and at a fraction of the cost). Right now I am listening to a $149 toshiba DVD/CD player and let me tell you, it SUCKS! heh heh. It is just temporarily until the standard reference for digital shows up- EMM labs :) and it can't get here soon enough.
Tim: You probably just need a $600 power cord, $1K set of interconnects and $2-300 worth of "fancy footwork" to make that Toshiba really sing in your system. Give that a shot and then let us know what you think : ) Sean

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