Seperate Power Supply for Audio Aero Capital MK11

Anyone making a seperate power suppy for the Audio Aero Capital MK11 , and what about some Modification, anyone specialising in mods for this cdp .

If so could you please post, thank you
I'm attempting to replace the DBR cones with the Symposium Rollerblocks JR, but do date find it very difficult to remove the BDR cones from the bottom of the unit. This is because the cones are bolted on inside the unit, and in order to get to them, all the circuit boards must be removed, including all the mountings for the connectors on the back.

If anyone as any better ideas as to remove the cones, please let me know.
I owned the Cap MK I and extensively auditioned the MK II- IMO the dac section in both units far outweighs the transport inherent in the unit (I know, as I have done tests with several outboard transports into the digital in on the unit).

If it were MY $$, and sell the MKII, and get the AA Prima dac, then pick up the excellent Audiomeca Mephisto II transport used, and THAT combo should outperform the Mk II for similar or less total $$. Just an idea...
I believe that the BDR cones are only threaded on, although someone might have put a little glue or something on the threads to secure them. If you're not worried about marking the cones up a bit, use a pair of vise grips and twist the little suckers off! Once you "crack" the glue, they should screw-off normally.
I think Fatparrot got it right .. AA has an amazing power supply there.. one of the strong points of the CAP II and it has many. Its a multi-stage PS and a major reason why this unit is loved by many many people !
Including me !

Hard to get better in PS and transport ..
