The best var. out CD player for under 1500 used?

Seeking input from other 'goners for a CD player with volume control for direct connection to my Spectral DMA 90. Any suggestions? I need to simplify my system, and was hoping to do it for around a grand but will go 50% higher if needed. 24/96 is a pre-req, but SACD is not. Any input will be appreciated...

Do ANY of the players you mentioned actually have variable volume control? I don't recall any of those showing up when this question is asked.

I'm using the Consonance 2.2 CD player direct to amp. It has a tube output, volume control and sounds great. About $1500 new or $1100 if you can find one used.
Thanks for the input on the Quad, Cary, Linn and Audio analogue. I should mention that I currently am using a Simaudio Moon Nova/Uther/Genesis Lens front end - but I am looking to simplify the system and am hoping that the shorter signal path, the upsampling and SACD will yield some sonic benefit relative the the 20 bits I am currently operating.

I've heard the latest 24/192 Uther with a Camelot Morganna as transport and a Genesis Digital Lens between. Very nice digital rig! I don't think the Quad is as good as that setup, but then again, that setup list for well over $5000.

The Quad at $800-900 used is a steal though.

Of the players I've owned, the Resolution Audio Opus 21 was, by far, the best. I thought it was a great value when I bought it used for $2500. Heck, even for the $3500 new price, it may be the best value out there (IMHO, of course).

I know the RA Opus 21 is out of the price range you listed, but it's the real deal. Also, it's in high demand, so resell value is strong. I wish I had kept mine, but I thought I was going to be too busy to enjoy it and I mistakenly sold it.

Now, I'm happy again with the Quad. It does most things right (right enough for me anyway!). It is a very natural sounding player, but it may give up a little openess on the extreme high frequencies. Midrange is very good and bass sounds like bass. It's the best I've heard below $2000 (IMHO).
