Is there a cd player that sounds close to an LP?

I am not sure what to do at this point. My system sounds great when I play my turntable.
I have a Marantz CD-67SE CD player, not high end by any means, but not a bad lower end player, so I thought. When I play CDs the brightness actually hurts my ears when I turn the volume up a bit.
I have been considering buy new cables for the speakers, maybe control this brightness, MIT T2's. Then was thinking, hate to ruin the sound I currently have from my platter. The highs and bass are perfect.
I have been considering buying an older tube CD player, in search of a warmer sound. I am thinking an Anthem CD1, a Conrad Johnson DV2B, maybe a Sonic Frontiers SFCD1. Not really sure what to buy.
Am I on the right track? I hate to change the sound of my system for CD's, and take away from the sound of my lp's.
Is there really a CD player out there that sounds even close to a LP? Maybe one that I might be able to pick up used for about a grand?
Any suggestions here, sure appreciate it!

Thank you.
I haven't heard one, and that includes some good ones -- including Forsell Air w/Levinson DAC and Electrocompaniet.
I have also found, when I turn CD's up loud, they hurt my ears. In addition, you don't get the broad sound stage and life to the music that LP's give you.
That said, the Sonic Frontiers SFCD-1 is a very good sounding player. You also might want to consider a DAC with your Marantz, as Ken suggests. He's also right about isolation. I've found Symposium Rollerblocks under my CD player to offer significant gain in smoothness at the top end.
BUT -- don't expect to get anything that sounds like a record.
Suggestion: pick up one of the lower-priced Sony SACD/CD players. I think you'll find SACD much closer to LP sound than any CD player under $2K. And the CD sound of these machines isn't bad (probably better than your Marantz). Good luck. By the way, the CJ player isn't the answer.
There are no absolutes in audio. Just because someone on an audio board says that cd playback can never be as good as vinyl playback doesn't mean squat.Use your own ears and come to your own conclusions. Some people might equate good sound to lack of noise (i.e. LP playback pops and ticks) and find a good, non-fatiguing cdp the answer to musical satisfaction. Let your own ears be the judge as far as what pleases you when listening to your favorite music.
You probably have "bright" audiophile type speakers and there is a particular drop off in your cartridge that offsets the tizziness that is inherent in you speakers. (It probably does sound better.) Don't use cables as tone controls, I bet you would find your analogue dull sounding when you made the switch. I have heard a few speakers [that were favored by many on these boards] that hurt my ears, so bad that I would not listen to music if that was all that was available. Borrow some other speakers and see if you still find the cd painful. (There are plenty of poorly produced discs that I can't listen to, even with my system, so be sure to get a good one.) There is nothing wrong with a good redbook cd, IMHO, (and also in the opinion of some of the finest recording engineers around.)

Enjoy your music,
