'Last CD Player' search

Has anyone else noticed how many new CD players there are? Now that we're supposedly in the new world of DSD and 24/192 and universal players, it seems that everyone's thrown one last hat into the upsampling cd player ring.

As it happens, I still have a fairly shitty digital source, and, unfortunately, a fairly revealing system. The time has come for me to drop some coin on my first (and hopefully last) Real CD Player. I am looking for a one-box solution that makes redbook sound like music; one I can use as a reference source and build a system around.

I am looking at the following players (in order of price):
- Naim CD5 - $?
- Primare D30.2 $?
- Classe CDP.10 - ca$3000
- Audio Aero Prima 24/192 - ca$3200
- Copland CDA-822 - ca$3500
- SimAudio Moon Nova - ca$3800
- Gamut CD 1 - ca$4000
- Cary CD-308T - roughly ca$4000
- Ayre CX-7 - us$3000

I have also listened to the Musical Fidelity 3.2 and 308; I find the 3.2 does weird things with dynamics, and the 308 is too expensive--it was not $1000 better than the Copland. I have tried to stay away from separates; but I have heard good things about the Audio Note DACs and the PerpTech P1a/P3a combo. Thoughts?

If you own or have experience with any of the above:
- Are you happy?
- How did the sound of your system change with the purchase?
- Do you feel like there's more to be had from redbook CD's?
- What was your previous source, and what was the difference?
- Any comparisons/contrasts between any of the above appreciated.

Also: How have other people approached this kind of buying situation? How do you audition all the possibles? Sometimes the logistics are dizzying.

My system:
Reference 3A MM De Capos
Acurus DIA-150
Van den Hul power, signal and bi-wire speaker cables
Lovan Reference racks and stands
AC regeneration by 2 APC UPS units in series w/ sinewave output
Persian rugs and bookshelves on absorbtion/diffusion duty
(Current digital source is a Pioneer DVD player and Audio Alchemy DDE)

Any thoughts or suggestions appreciated.

Chris Younkman
Despite my difficulties with the US distributor (see "Help Electrocompaniet Stole Christmas"), I'm still in awe of my system's sound with the EC EMC-1 MkII UP at the helm. The latest power supply mod DOES extend the top octave and increase the vividness of this player's portrayal.
$5500 new, $4000 street, $3300 gray (non-warranty).
Have fun in your search. I have no experience with the others on your list except the Naim CD-5, which isn't in the same league. I've also heard that the Aeros can be unreliable.
I'm surprised nobody mentioned the muse model 10 or the model nine signature used. Good value, great sound.
Chris - I too have the AA Prima but is the second generation, which doesn't have a digital volume control. As I had to wait months for the second generation model I got to use the first generation Prima for quite some time. I did hear a noticable improvement in the second generation model. So, if you have the first generation I'd suggest upgrading to the second generation. I'm in Toronto if you want to discuss further.
