Best DAC for under $500

I'm looking for a DAC with good transparency and dynamics. Is there a DAC with good bang for the buck in this price range that would offer a substantial improvement over a $1,000 CDP?
I've considered EAD DSP 7000 MK III and Audio Alchemy DDI pro but concerned about repairs.
So two other options are dAck $399 and the CI Audio VDA-1 $349
Also highly recommended in used, if you can find one: Muse Model 2+ DAC. It will likely be a bit more than $500, but make sure to get the plus version which is HDCD compatible and outperforms the straight model 2 (not a bad DAC either I'm told, and can be had for less than $500 used). Disclaimer: I am currently selling my Muse rig to raise some money, but am not splitting it up so this is not quite as self-serving as it sounds! It is an outstanding rig in both my systems.

I'll third the EVS Millennium DAC. Top notch parts quality and implementation at a ridiculously low price. Transparency and dynamics in spades. Disclaimer: I've got one but won't sell it, so this isn't self-serving at all. Best of luck.
The Ack dAck is an extremely musical DAC that belies it's low price. Mine transformed my system with an utterly intoxicating sound. CD's sound so good I need to upgrade my vinyl rig to get it to catch up. All the good things you've read on this unit in AA are true. It's the one to beat.
Viggen, I've got a Marantz CDR-500. Uses the Philips VAM 12.5 mechanism. Same as the $3,000 Cary 303/100.