Can any CDP with coaxial out used as transport?

This is my first post. Great forum. I learned alot.

Can any CD player function as a transport? I currently have an NAD C520 and am thinking about upgrading it with the NAD A324 DAC. Thanks.
My bad then sugarbie. I thought coaxial outputs were RCA outputs. So replace "Coaxial" with RCA in the critical places in my post that most make me appear as an idiot! Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain! I am the great and powerful OZ! Looks like I added more confusion to a simple question...sorry. So, I'm confused (needless to say); then what are the RCA outputs called that output the analogue signal from your run-of-the-mill CDP? Simply RCA outs?!
Actually Jax2, from a purely technical standpoint you are right. All RCA connections are a "coaxial type" connection.

The term is only used to decribe the digital output connection. I guess we assume people are not talking about other RCA outputs which in addition to the audio output include tape-out and pre-out.

I have seen the term "RCA coax" in owners manuals, used for audio outputs on some old foreign gear that also had DIN plug outputs. Today the term "single ended" is usually used to denote an RCA output versus a "balanced" (DIN) output.
yes it will work fine......but you may want to look for a differ dac than nad.......and get a good cable........i feel if you buy the nad you will by another..guys here will suggest a dac how much you willing to spend?