Who's better? Jean-Luc Ponty or Eileen Ivers

I've been listening to Jean-Luc Ponty for years now but recently came across a CD which is quite good called "Crossing the Bridge" by Eileen Ivers (it's on the Sony Classical label). She did a lot of the fiddle work on the original River Dance project. Just wondering who everyone would vote for as best violinist, Jean-Luc Ponty or Eileen Ivers?
I agree with Duanegoosen's assesment of the fusion violin genre, with the glaring exception of Didier Lockwood. He is the exception in this list, and in no way, shape, or form reminds one of Kenny G-anything. It has been clear to many over the last ~25 years or so that Lockwood's level of playing is what Ponty had dreamed of being.
Don't take my word for it; compare Lockwood's album "Surya" to anything that Ponty has done and even the most musically-challenged ears will clearly determine the difference (I have run this experiment myself with listeners countless times over the years). Although this does not directly address the Ponty-Ivers comparison, I needed to respond ($0.02) to the Lockwood reference. Happy holidays to all.

PS - I still like Mark O'Connor's work with the Dixie Dregs. Wonderful presentation live.
Didier Lockwood has put out some timeless groundbreaking stuff. New World, Surya, and the Lockwood/Vander/Top/Widemann record are brilliant. I'm a huge fan, but Kid, 1234, Pheonix 90, and the DLG 96 releases are corny, rife w/ metronomic disco beats, and have Yellowjackets written all over em'. I wish it wasn't true as much as anyone.
Haven't heard Ivers, but will check her out.

I second Bmolly's comments about O'Conner & the Dixie Dregs.
Everyone should own a Dreg's recording, my favorite is "Bring'Em Back Alive" with Allen Sloan,MD on violin.

Another great fiddle recording is O'Conner & Stephane Grapppelli doing "Tiger Rag," on the Grappelli/Grisman Live WB BSK3550.