Jadis Symphonia CD Player

Just wondering if anyone out there has any experience with the Jadis Symphonia CD player?
Rchan, I've posted something about Jadis (amp question) awhile back. Received some response,enough to answer my question > which I now own. Jadis gets very little attention here.???? I was told some good things about the J3 ss and tube versions, but sorry know little about the Symphonia. I suggest you write Pierre Gabriel, great guy, I'm sure he can give a fair review. All I can tell you is that these French designers build solid AND!!! offer fair bass/mids/treble in a overall balanced soundstage. I'm sure the same applies to their budget digital player. I'll be curious to see posts here. Please post a review if you get one.
Mr. Rchan, I told you that there would be only a single post here, and that is mine. thanks for the emails about the Jadis DA30, big help in my decision. Big help. Regards Paul

The t e a c 701 is the best out of this whole lot that people are talking about, the VRDS transport is the best transport in the world there is nothing better out there when it comes to transports and it's not super expensive if it's I think about $2,900 US.