SACD 2 channel vs Redbook 2 Channel

Are they the same? Is one superior? Are they system dependent?
Aroc, it is a Deutsche Grammophon Beethoven symphonies NOs, 5&7, from Wiener Philarmoniker, Carlos Kleiber.
I have never heard a redbook version sound better than the sacd version but I don't listen to old dead guys either.

For those that want to hear what sacd is all about, check out DSOTM, Steve Earles Guitar Town, Allison Krauss Live or Joe Satrianis Strange Beautiful Music for starters.
Compare any of these to there redbook version on even a midfi setup and you will have your answer.
I have heard redbook and sacd versions of these on several 500.00 players,a 2k player and several modified players that cost even more.
One thing remains consistent, and that is sacd is far more natural sounding whith greater resolution than the redbook versions by a large margin in every case.
This repesents modern music from the 70's,80's and current releases.
After listening to sacd versions and comparing, the redbook versions become coasters in every case.
I just wish they would start releasing new material a bit quicker on the format.
Ears you will find one of the biggest SACD's supporters on these forums admit that some of The Stones discs sound better on the redbook layer of the SACD hybrids.
He has the state of the art SACD set up.
This of course doesn't disprove the overall theory, I admit that.
DSOTM imho doesn't show much difference between the layers.
I'm stepping out of this debate again but I want to make it clear I am a music enthuasiast-I do not recycle discs lighty and I do care about sonic reproduction.
I'm only offering another set of experiences.
To offer a true example here's a recent experience.
I recently sold an interconnect on Ebay to a guy who stayed locally-he was a vinyl guy but with a lower end system.
He liked the way my system sounded,he clearly knew his stuff and was impressed with the Ayre equipment which he'd never heard.
He spotted my Sony DVD/SACD player and
asked to hear some comparisons.
First up he noticed the big drop in sound quality from the Ayre.
But when he heard both Let It Bleed and DSOM on the Sony on different layers he found the performance between Redbook and SACD almost indentical.
He thought LIB sounded very slightly better on Redbook and DSOM very slightly better on SACD.

Maybe it's my system-but a friend who has a Levison 39s and the cheap Pioneer multi-format machine-feels exactly the same.
Let me finish by saying also I wish I could afford the like of Emm Labs equipment because I believe at that level you are very probably in a win win situation.
Last words.
>>I'm only offering another set of experiences.<<

By your own admission, you have extensive experience only with a high end Ayre CD player and a low end SONY SACD player --and you prefer the CD play-back on the higher end CD player -- versus your lower end player -- which should come as a surprise to no one. You've admitted that you were not able to audition a high end SACD player at the time of your purchase because they were not available where you live. So, you opted to buy a high end player without SACD capability -- that was *your* decision --
without auditioning high end CD/SACD players. Other than that,
you are offering the experiences of others -- hearsay -- which seems to have the effect of validating your purchase of a high-end player without SACD capability.