SACD 2 channel vs Redbook 2 Channel

Are they the same? Is one superior? Are they system dependent?
>>I have NEVER said at a certain price point or level that SACD isn't better.<<

Well, this was the subject of the thread. So, if you agree that -- at
a certain price point, SACD reveals its Superiority -- one can only wonder why you would jump into the thread to debate against those who are arguing that SACD is superior.

>>my fault for not buying a more expensive machine to show off the format to it's best<<

Your less expensive player obviously didn't show redbook CD to its best, either -- or else you would not have been compelled to buy a high end CD player. So, this simply adds weight to the argument that *any* format will reveal more of its strengths with a high end player than with a low end one.
There's no wonder in it Rsbeck-I made the consideration that the original poster may not have more than $1500 to spend on a SACD player-if you read my original reply it should make sense.
Can you state that SACD is superior at that price limit?
We still don't know the original posters budget.
I wasn't compelled to buy a better Redbook player because my previous Redbook set up (Audio Alchemy DDE3,DTI2,POWER STATION 2)beat the Sony.
The Sony is a good audio player for the money,it really is.

I spent more cash because I love music and wanted to upgrade,wanted more out of my music.

Bottom line: If one wants to see what digital has to offer -- either
CD or SACD, one needs to be willing to spend some money on a
front end. If one wants to be in a win/win situation, one might want
to audition CD players with SACD capability. If one wants to have
all formats covered, I recommend getting a high end CD/SACD player and combining it with a DVD/DVD-A player. In two boxes,
you will have great music and DVD playback and all your formats covered.
Needless to say Rsbeck as usual you avoid the specific points I made.
I think my last post and your reply speak for themselves.
You wrote....

"I wasn't compelled to buy a better Redbook player because my previous Redbook set up...beat the Sony."

Then, you wrote......

"I spent more cash because I love music and wanted to upgrade, wanted more out of my music."

Maybe you *are* making really powerful points that I am avoiding,
or maybe you don't communicate all that clearly. It seems to me that you first argue against my contention that you traded up to get more out of redbook CD -- which goes against logic -- and then you go on to confirm that this is exactly what you did.

I don't think rhetorical gambits like this need a response.

I cannot see where I have fouled you in any way. At least I stuck to the topic. Your final post contains nothing at all about audio. I call *that* a foul.

Happy listening.